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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Make Your Folders Undeletable

by Shaheer 0 comments

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Ever passed with a situation when someone deleted your important stuff? well now you won't. Here's a tutorial i will tell you; how you can make a folder undeletable so that you can protect your important office or other stuff now :).

  1. Go To Start Menu.
  2. Click On RUN.
  3. TYPE "CMD".
  4. Hit Enter or click on "OK" button.
  5. Go to the drive where you will put your undeletable folder ( Type Drive letter and : to change your current drive to the target drive, for example typing E: will change your current selected drive to E drive. If you want to create the folder in the currently selected drive then you can type cd.. to exit from the current folder and cd FOLDER NAME to go to the different folder, a screenshot is given below ).Make Your Folders Undeletable Screenshot 1
  6. Type md \lpt1\\Example Is Given Below.Make Your Folders Undeletable Screenshot 2
  7. Now If You try to delete or rename it, you will get the error message.Make Your Folders Undeletable Screenshot 3 - Error Message
  8. You Can Browse to this folder and save all of your data inside it.
  9. And If Ever You want to Delete this just type: rd \lpt1\\ and press enter. And You Are Done.

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Mohammed Shaheer Ul Haq Fareedi
Web Developer and Software Engineer

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